Your skin will be grateful from the first moment you use it, because its ingredients nourish and moisturise not only the surface but also the deeper layers of your skin. The cocoa butter gives your skin a velvety softness and silky glow, and also contributes to an even tan. And the other ingredients strengthen your skin's protective barrier so it can get back to its job of protecting you.
It regenerates, hydrates and softens the skin, allowing the other active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin. It soothes dry skin, leaving it silky smooth and radiant. It also nourishes irritated skin and protects it from external aggressions, thus reducing the risk of irritation.It also has special properties that contribute to a natural and even tan. And last but not least, it slows down the ageing process of the skin.
"Nagyon sok krémet, testápolót kipróbáltam már, DE ilyen ÁLOM testápolóval még nem
találkoztam, egészen addig amíg véletlenül rátaláltam a Nagora kakaóvajas testápolóra️
Ez a testápló vagy testvaj egy tégelybe zárt ÁLOM! Olyan érzés, mint ha egy nagy kád puha, fincsi vattacukorban hemperegnèk?
Az illata pont jó, nem émelyítő, mint a legtöbb kakakóvajas testápolóknál. Gyorsan beszívódik és remekül hidratál! Arcra is használom, sőt a férjem is teljesen rászokott
Egyszóval: Fantasztikus! Mindenkinek szívből ajánlom!!! Nàlam az még külön plusz pont, hogy nem valami műanyag vacakban van, hanem újrahsznosítható üvegben! Ez is nagyon fontos szempont! Próbáljátok ki, nem fogtok csalódni!" - Neumann Mónika
"Mivel várandós vagyok, nem használhatok semmilyen vegyszert és parfümöt, így olyan kozmetikumokat kerestem, amikben nincsenek. A kakaóvajas testvajat a striák miatt vettem meg és eddig még nem jött ki egy sem és nagyon szép tőle a bőröm. A parfümmentes deo és a sampon is beváltak." - Melinda
"Imádjuk :) Mindenki használja nálunk. Testápolóként, masszázskrémként, popsikenőcsnek :)" - Vivien
"Kiváló termék, nagyon jól hidratál, jó illatú, nem zsíros, gyorsan beszívódik a bőrbe. Összehasonlíthatatlanul jobb más testápoló termékeknél, amiket korábban használtam." - Polyák Lilla
It is recommended for dry, drawn, even rough, itchy skin. It is especially a blessing for dehydrated skin after sunbathing or bathing.
Hydrating, nourishing, regenerating,soothing, restores the protective layer of the skin.
As soon as you open the jar and smell its heavenly fragrance, you're sure to be seduced. It smells of organic unrefined cocoa butter and organic raw coconut oil. It doesn't form an oily film on the skin's surface or clog pores, because in addition to cocoa butter, it contains water-based ingredients that help the cream absorb into the deeper layers. Your skin will be perfectly hydrated.
COCOA BUTTER organic, cold pressed
It regenerates, hydrates and softens the skin, allowing the other active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin. It soothes dry skin, leaving it silky smooth and radiant. It also nourishes irritated skin and protects it from external aggressions, thus reducing the risk of irritation.It also has special properties that contribute to a natural and even tan. And last but not least, it slows down the ageing process of the skin.
JOJOBA OIL organic, cold pressed
Strengthens the skin's protective functions, binds moisture in the stratum corneum, leaving the skin soft and velvety.
organic, cold pressed
Rich in essential linoleic acid, whose presence is essential for skin health and plays a major role in strengthening and regenerating the skin's protective layer, reducing water loss through evaporation, increasing the water content of the deeper layers. Very good moisturizer.
ALMOND OIL organic, cold pressed
thanks to its high mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acid content, it leaves the skin wonderfully supple.
COCONUT OIL organic, cold pressed
It helps to strengthen and regenerate the skin's protective layer, reducing water loss through evaporation, leaving skin softer, more supple and hydrated. An intact protective layer provides greater protection against environmental stresses, reducing the risk of inflammation.
We take special care to create each cosmetics for you by hand. Why is it good? Because you don't get a product off the production line, mixed by machines, packaged by machines and labelled by machines, but we put a little of our hearts into every jar of Nagora, alongside all the earthly goodness. We guarantee the joy you feel during and after use!
By using it, you avoid chemicals that are harmful to our health and sensitive ecology, and you also reduce your ecological footprint.
SLS and other harmful sulphates, petroleum derivatives, parabens, synthetic fragrances, silicone, animal-derived substances, polyethylene glycol (PEG), hazardous emulsifiers, colourants, palm oil.
The jar contains 220 ml of crystal clear nature in the form of a relatively homogeneous, fuller cream. It is white in colour and smells of divine cocoa butter. It leaves a greasy after-feel on your skin and absorbs slowly.
Massage it all over your body. To enhance its benefits, we recommend that you exfoliate your body once a week before using the Coffee Puszedli exfoliating soap.
Store at room temperature out of sunlight.
Shelf life:12 months
We're confident in the excellence of our products, but if you don't like them, we'll refund 100% of the price.
Should you have any questions about the product or your purchase, please contact us!