60 days refund
We know it's hard to replace your long-used creams overnight, so we want to make it easy for you. We only use quality ingredients, most of which are organic and meet the high standards of the BDIH. Our cosmetics are produced in a certified lab, authorised by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (ÁNTSZ), with great care and based on formulas developed over 5 years. We are confident in the excellence of our products, but if for some reason you don't like one of our products or you have a particular skin sensitivity, we return your product within 60 days of purchase for a full refund (as long as you have used less than half of the product).
We take the risk, so you can enjoy the pampering benefits of our 100% pure cosmetics, made with over 60+ bioactive herbs.
If you decide to return, please email us at nagora@nagoramanufaktura.hu with the information below:
Product name
Product lot number (you will find it on the label)
Why you want to return the product
Your bank account number and name
This is necessary so that we can identify the product and batch, and then incorporate your feedback into our improvements.
Once you have sent the email, please return the remaining cream (min. 50%) to Nagora Manufaktúra Kft., 2096 Üröm, Asztalos u.13..
We will refund you as soon as the product arrives.